Well, what a year! It has truly been a remarkable one! And our toughest one yet... However, the gift of your care, partnership & support, has enabled Frontier Projects Haiti to continue to radically change the lives of all our sponsor children, orphans, students, families and staff! Thank you! So much gratitude! Like most of us, our leaders, families & children in Haiti - led by Reginald and Johanne Celestin from LIFIMinitries have experienced challenges that they could have never dreamed of. For them all, the year was so much tougher than what we experienced in Australia. These are just some of the obstacles our teams over there faced (& overcame) ... as the year now comes to a close:
Our 2020 News!Bouvier School Teacher Training & Feeding Program![]() During Haiti's Covid19 lock down, Bouvier school teachers enjoyed the opportunity to do further teacher training. Their passion for teaching was re-ignited!. We employed a Haitian trainer and the teachers truly appreciated the extra training and were ready to start the new school year safely (in October) and looking forward to a fulfilling and positive 2021. Bouvier School Feeding Program returned when school resumed because of some very generous donations...thank you! We continued to provide hot, nutritious meals, twice a week, for all the students and staff. Love Community: Re-Uniting Children with Families & our Support ProgramsThrough the incredible support of Michael Crossland, & you - our sponsors, we have re-united more children back with their families! We've now returned 45 of our Love Community (LCH) children back into their own homes, through our Love Family Homes program (LFH). Our 10 orphans/displaced children in LC Home, attend school & are cared for in a warm, loving family home. Supporting our children not just to attend school, but to monitor their literacy skills, our social worker - Yndjy Belval & our Programs Administrator, Johanne Celestin, started meeting with the children for literacy checks on a monthly basis. The children are growing in confidence! We also believe it's necessary to give the children other types of Fun Days as well, during such a serious time! We did this in 2020 - creating life long memories! Libellule Training Academy (LTA). Transforming Lives ..even during Covid Libellule means "dragonfly" in French - the symbol for transformation! It was incredible that the From Zion LTA sewing course could continue due to our group of mums being small! These LFH mums were able to continue to learn sewing skills, creating some very professional garments. The women enjoyed their creations and had a lot of fun modelling the garments. Sandra Alexis - their trainer - is a well known seamstress in Haiti and we are blessed to have her heart and passion for LTA sewing class. A Journey of Joy - in a tough year!This year Alyssa Barber, our Co-facilitator of Programs and Robin Brown, both from the USA, flew to Haiti once the travel ban lifted. Although we were unable to host a 2020 Journey from Australia , Alyssa & Robin were able to represent FP and complete vital tasks and host the children to a very special Fun Day during their stay! We sponsored our special FP Fun Day trip to the beach for all the LCH children! This day included a boat trip, which was the first boat ride for most of the children and brought so much laughter, huge smiles and special memories!
Frontier Projects AdministratorsFP is a small group of dedicated families who were inspired to aid and develop in foreign nations by assisting the leaders of those nations! Archives
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