Teacher Training is at the heart of what we do: Empowering those that teach the children! Bouvier school teachers enjoy the opportunity to do further teacher training. Their passion for teaching is constantly reinvigorated! We have employed a Haitian trainer - Mr Jean - and ongoing training is vital to the success of the school.
2019 - 2022
Back Row: Venord, Wadlyn, Daniel (Principal), Jackson (Deputy Principal), Reginald (CEO for LIFLIM).
Front Row: Christlove, Genese, Daphne, Alexandre, Johanne (Head Admin for LIFLIM)
2020 -21 COVID19 LOCKDOWN: COVID19 Restrictions meant that all schools across Haiti closed early for the 2020 and 2021 yearly holidays. All the children were safe in their Bouvier community - no COVID19 cases were ever recorded at all @ Bouvier and no lives lost. While schools were closed, our teachers in June 2020 and June 2021, were in Teacher Training with a qualified Haitian Trainer, employed by Frontier Projects. This has continued and will always be a part of our successful teacher training program.
A SHORT HISTORY We welcomed a new staff member in 2019 - Christlove, after having welcomed two newstaff members to the Bouvier School family in 2018 - Genese and Alexandre - who all still remain with us!
We now have over160 students and we employ 5full-time Haitianteachers! We undertake teacher training throughout EVERY year - either remotely, or face-to face with our Haitian Teacher Trainer - MR JEAN.