Meet Libellule Team 01 - Our First Artisans Collective @ Libellule Training Academy
Back Row: Sandra (Trainer), Lunise, Paul, Margareth, Phalone (Trainer). Front Row: Sindia, Lineda, Vedette, Edwine, Naomi.
Track Your Impact: Read the stories of the Artisans who’s lives are transformed when you purchase products to support their Collective:
Sandra is one of Libellule's Trainers! Her employment at LTA allows her the dignity of provide for herself and raising others up to do the same! She is very skilled in Sewing and Jewellery-Making.
Sindia has loved her training through LTA and the capacity-training that it has provided her with - to start imagining what she wants to do with her life and to follow her dreams in other areas of study now.
Lunise lives in Carrefour with her husband and four children. She has loved attending LTA to help provide for her family.
Lineda enjoys making beautiful jewellery at LTA and has now realised that she wants to study further in other areas!
Paul has grown up with the loving support through our Love Community Home as his parents have passed on over the years. He loves that training has opened his eyes to what is possible to help him and his sister, Ruth.
Vedette now has her sobn Carlens living back with her, through our Love Family Homes program. She is excited to learn new vocational skills to help provide for them both in the future!
Margareth is a young mum and her training has allowed her to help provide for her family!
Edwine has so appreciated learning new skills through LTA and the funds have helped her to provide for her young family.
Phalone is the second of Libellule's Trainers! She is passionate to show others the potential and teach them the skills to help provide for their families through crafting beautiful artisan pieces.
Naomi loves the community of LTA and has learnt so much through the course. She excited for new possibilities for creating a family income in the future!