Dear Frontier Project Haiti Child Sponsor families,
Hi! We are very excited to write and let you know how special it was to again journey to Haiti this April to work with the extraordinary leaders, teachers and children over in Carrefour and Bouvier, Haiti.
Again and again, with your help, we are privileged to serve those who live with, teach and care for the children and families in these communities that battle with poverty every day of their lives. With your help, we see first hand how your commitment helps to change circumstances, bring hope and transform communities!
Journey of Hope ... this year we undertook practical building projects at Bouvier School and Love Community Home (previously Love Orphanage), we led teacher-training for the Bouvier School teachers and we spent time with the Director and children at Love Community as we discussed the future directions for the Home, updated the children’s information and progress, played with these beautiful children and prayed for them.
Bouvier School in the mountains behind Port-au-Prince was very much in need of a Clinic and teacher’s apartment. David with Jacko continued to train the builders and carpenters as they worked on adding an upper storey section to the school, so that the three teachers (of six) that aren’t from Bouvier, don’t need to camp out in the classrooms every night. The clinic room will be a vital part of the care of the children and their families over the years to come. The young men we have helped train in building/carpentry skills over the last three years, are continuing to add the windows, doors and finishing touches to the clinic/apartment since we left.
John and I led teacher training and development for the wonderful staff that teach at Bouvier School. It is so amazing that with your help - our very generous sponsors - we continue to support these teachers until the school is able to become sustainable.
We are now investigating further teacher-training in Haiti for all the teachers who are passionate that this is their dream for the future - to make teaching their life-career!
Please view the Photo-Gallery from our work at Bouvier School on the building and Teacher-Training! Visit here:
Love Community Home - Funds that came in through many sponsors and through the work of our wonderful ambassador on team, Michael Crossland meant that there was more that we could accomplish again! Thank you! We put in a pump for the upstairs bathroom so now they have running clean water for washing and showering! We gave gifts to the children and played with them, enjoying their company, getting to know them more, while updating their information.
We spent valuable time with Pastor Guy and Pastor Reggie discussing the new directions for Love Community Home - previously Love Orphanage. Previous to 2014, Love Orphanage (as it was then named) was also supported by another international charity group who contributed significantly to the ongoing feeding and clothing of the children. This is no longer the case, and as such, sponsorship for these children will increase to be able to realistically provide for the ongoing basic care and educational needs of these precious children, 24/7.
Also, Love Community Home has been initiated instead of Love ‘Orphanage’ The UN Convention on the Rights of Children has long endorsed family-based care where possible, and they encourage governments to work in the best interest of the child when it is not. Those children who are true orphans will continue to be cared for and schooled, here at Love Community Home as it is now known. However, we are now changing our focus for those children who do have family. Many of the children do have a single parent or relative that left them at Love Community Home as they had no other way of supporting them. We are now seeking to reach out to those family members in the Carrefour area, re-unite them with their families and invite the families and these children to be part of the Love Community Home support, meals and schooling/training throughout the day. This will be such an exciting step!!
Please view the Photo-Gallery from our work at Love Community Home! Visit here:
So, dear friends, if you have already sponsored your student/s from Bouvier School this year - thank you!If you have already sponsored your child or your children from Love Community Home this year - thank you!
If you haven’t been able to as yet, and would like to continue your Sponsorship for 2015, please visit our website here: