Dear Warren,
The Journey for Bouvier School to
Four years later and we are now a registered charity in Australia – Frontier Projects.
But we are different. We are small. We are hands-on. We are families and community….linking to other families and communities in need - in Haiti & three other nations including our own. We help rescue the lives of children and young adults caught in poverty, trafficking, lack of education or safe living conditions. And we have a passion that sets us apart… “Every cent gets sent”. In Haiti, these last four years, we have journeyed and partnered with family, friends, Aussy community leaders and our Haitian families and leaders from Bouvier and Carrefour to: · Level the land in Bouvier we purchased through the generosity of friends and families. (2011) · Build a simple, safe, school with four classrooms and guttering to harvest rain-water(2012), with Principal’s Office (2012), an undercover outdoor area (2013), a kitchen (2013), a gas stove for safe-cooking (2013), a teacher’s apartment (2014) with verandah (2015) and a Clinic (2014-15). · Sponsor most of the 150+ children and their teachers. · Provide safe water storage. In 2012 a Canadian-based NGO team partnered with us to provide water tanks with simple, inexpensive and revolutionary filters. · Provide every student with classroom furniture and each teacher (we now have seven!) with the resources they need. · Provide temporary power via a small, diesel generator. · Provide multiple, donated laptops to introduce the children to computer-based learning and hopefully one day – internet based learning and the world wide web! · Undertake a maintenance program for the school as it has weathered And now here we are in 2015. Solar Power now About to Transform Bouvier School and the Entire Community!And then Warren, you gave to the Project so generously - ensuring the full realisation of the dream.
And now the solar-energy is about to be installed for an overwhelmed, excited and grateful Bouvier community. Changing their lives forever. Bringing an end to the school’s energy-poverty. Enabling them to become self-sustaining through simple business ideas, providing power for lighting, computers, pumps for bathrooms and irrigation, and so much more! The parents, teachers and children cannot express their thanks enough to you in words. 'Merci' is what they say but their smiles say so much more! So where are we up to? |