Davenlove is 8 years old and her birthday is MAY - 30/05/2016. She lives with her mother and father, her aunties and one uncle. Also, another child from LFH lives in their home as well - Alexandro Bijou and his little brother. Davenlove is a sweet child and is extremely shy. She attends IMPE School in Carrefour and has just completed in year 2 in 2023-24. We support Davenlove through our LFH Community Program - including monthly visits from our Social Worker - Yndjy Belval.
If you sponsor Davenlove for her PERSONAL Sponsorship, your sponsorship goes directly to her family to help to provide Davenlove with her personal needs and a monthly food pack for her family. Your sponsorship also contributes towards a small birthday gift on her birthday - with a cake and celebration at our monthly family gatherings, and a hot Christmas meal and individual gift at Christmas!
If you sponsor Davenlove for her EDUCATIONAL and WELLBEING Sponsorship, your sponsorship goes directly to her school to help to provide Davenlove with her Educational needs - and assists her family with providing for her health and well-being care. Your sponsorship also helps to contribute towards to a small birthday gift on her birthday - with a cake and celebration at our monthly family gatherings, and a hot Christmas meal and individual gift at Christmas!
Every cent gets sent! Thank you so much for sponsoring Davenlove.